
Starter code for the Duke project

Project maintained by kevinswk94 Hosted on GitHub Pages — Theme by mattgraham

Duke User Guide

Duke is a chatbot that can help you manage your tasks. You can tell Duke to add, delete and mark as done tasks via short, simple to remember commands.

Table of Contents



Interactive Graphical User Interface

Duke comes with a GUI to provide users with visual feedback when Duke performs tasks.

Types of tasks

Duke manages your tasks which are categorized into three types:

You can add, delete, find and mark tasks as done from the list.


List tasks

List all the tasks that Duke has in its database.

Example usage: list
It will show all the tasks in the database.

Add a task

Adds a new task to Duke’s database. Duke classifies tasks into three types, so it accepts the following formats:

Sample usage:

Delete a task

Removes a task from Duke’s database, according to its index in the database.
delete <index>

Example of usage: delete 2
Removes the second task that appears in your task list. Duke will update you if the task is deleted successfully or if the index provided is out of the range of tasks shown.

Mark a task as done

Marks a task in a list, according to its number inside the list.
done <index>

Sample usage: done 1
Marks the first task as done. Duke will update you if the task is marked as done successfully or if the index provided is out of the range of tasks shown.

Find tasks

Lists all tasks with certain keywords in their description.
find <keyword>

Sample usage: find book
Duke finds and displays all tasks that contains book in their description.